LED Lighting Pros & Cons
LED Lighting Pros & Cons

LED lighting continues to play a huge part in reducing the carbon footprint of the UK and the rest of the world.
It has been growing in popularity year on year due to their environmental impact and all of the other benefits that LED lighting can bring to your household.
However, there is much more to LED lighting that should play a deciding role when you next select the lighting for your home.
What is LED lighting?
LED lighting has been hailed as the lighting choice of the future. There's no surprise with the many environmental and cost savings that can be accumulated over time.
LED stands for light emitting diode. LED lighting can produce up to 90% more efficiently than your traditional incandescent light bulbs.
The way that LED bulbs produce the light itself is also very different to those that are just classed as 'energy saving bulbs'. Light is produced in an LED bulb when an electrical current passes through a microchip. This then illuminates the tiny light sources known as LEDs.
What Are The Pros of LED Lighting?
On a large scale, LED lighting provides a huge environmental impact on the world we live in.
According to studies, reported by the BBC, making products more energy efficient makes a positive impact in cutting CO2 emissions and, along with other factors has been more effective than renewable energy.
In addition to this, fewer LED bulbs need to be produced because they last that much longer than their counterparts so do not need to be replaced as often. Less is more when it comes to helping the environment. As fewer LED bulbs are needed this means, less packaging, less manufacturing and less transportation. Every little bit really does help.
Energy efficient
LED is a highly efficient lighting source if you hadn't guessed it already. LED lighting can use up to 70% less energy than traditional bulbs.
The main reason LED lighting uses less energy is because they produce light in a different way to other lighting sources. Incandescent bulbs pass electricity through a filament that needs to be extremely hot for its atoms’ and electrons to produce light. For this reason, most incandescent bulbs waste about 90% of the electricity they consume as heat, this makes them incredibly inefficient light producers.
Long Life
A massive pull of using LED lighting is their long life. As pictured below, there is a huge jump in the average lifespan from LEDs traditional counterparts.
Offering 25,000 + hours for their average lifespan, LED is undoubtedly the leader in the future of lighting.
For example, if an LED bulb was used for 6 hours a day (much more than the average daily usage), then your LED bulb would last for a whopping 7.6 years without the need to be changed. In comparison to a standard incandescent bulb which would only last for 3 months!

Save Money Over Time
Due to the long lifespan of an LED bulb, joint with not having to worry about changing the bulbs so often, you can enjoy the cost savings over time too.
But because LED bulbs use far less energy in comparison... LED saves over 70% of energy vs traditional incandescent or halogen lighting. This reduces your energy usage which also means, you make savings on your overall energy costs too.
Less energy, less costs and much fewer purchases of bulbs.
What Are The Cons of LED lighting?
Initial Cost Is Higher
It could be said that a major drawback of LED lighting is that the initial cost is higher. The reason being is because LED bulbs are more complex than halogens, both the technology employed into the bulb and manufacturing process.
Having said this, the price of LED light bulbs is falling year on year due to their high demand.
Not Always Dimmable
LED lighting can pose possible compatibility issues with your existing dimmers when retrofitting. This is because they are dimmed in a different way to traditional bulbs. However, this is more of an issue with more generic, off the shelf LED bulbs.
All of our bulbs at Elesi are fully dimmable so will not pose any problems with your setup.
They Can Look Ugly
The classic, plastic based LEDs are not the most aesthetically pleasing. This can be a problem when used in lighting where the bulbs are exposed.
At Elesi, we offer an extensive range of LED bulbs that definitely won't cause an eyesore in your interiors. From golfball, teardrop to candle bulbs, there is so much more advancement and availability for LED bulbs nowadays.

Dimmer Incompatibility
There have been reported issues of LED bulbs flickering. The main culprit for this is dimmer incompatibility. This has been more of an issue with old style dimmers, it is better to use trailing edge dimmers where possible.
LED lighting still remains the main player in the way we choose to light our homes nowadays. They're good for the environment and those purse strings too!
All of our dimmers are Trailing Edge dimmers, and many of them can be switched between Leading Edge and Trailing edge with a simple click of a button.